Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Back to the motion again...!!!

I remember a day when I was in the training of NIIT Group Leader Enhancement Program.

The instructor questioned us that if you get Rs. 86400 daily, what you will do with it? Please make sure that you can not save this amount for later use. You have to spend it on the same day.

I found 2 strange things in this question. First is why the figure is not rounded? and second is, why anybody should give this to us? :)

Many of us gave the answers like

(1) I will go and enjoy a lot like movies, parties, drinking etc....
(2) I will give this money to any needy person
(3) I will donate the same to a trust

So lot of answers from the audience.

Then instructor replied, do u know what this amount is. This amount is the sum of the seconds that you are getting everyday. (60*60*24)

Now... this amount can not be only used for enjoyment, this amount of time can not be given to anybody. Only you can spend it. This amount even can not be donated. Because, this is TIME, which will run away from your hand daily.

Everyday you wake up and just think that your 1 day of life has gone. Probably this will make u a bit sad, that your life is being cut off very fast. But instead of that, do one exercise. When u sleep at night, just note down in a diary that which kind of productive work you have done during the day. Which kind of works are pending? What you should do and what you should not... Then next morning, before you think that 1 day is gone, read your diary carefully. It will be possible that there will be continous days which will not have any special activity. But I am sure, that the achievement somewhere in future will be the deep soul searching of these days.

The answer of the above question which was asked by instructor is:

Utilize those amount properly. Share them among (1) Yourself (2) Your friends - including girlfriends/boyfriends ;) (3) Your family and (4) Any noble cause.
Then do not forget to make the balance sheet of the same which should show the expenditure in detail. (The same thing I told about that diary)

I am sure, even after one month or one year if you will read this diary, you will really feel proud that how much you have done in your life. Or may be you will realize that how much should have done...

So, try this exercise. Its good. Frankly telling you, I have never started this yet, but I suddenly remembered this occassion, so now I will definitely try this....

Share your experience once you start writing this...



1 comment:

  1. Yes Jigar Bhai....

    Rs. 864,00/- are given by God everyday to use them to the fullest......No one except HIM can steal this income from us.

    A motivating post and good suggestion to write a diary....

    Keep posting.....

    Take Care.

